An administrative user

An administrative user is responsible for operation and maintenance of a WHMCS installation. Admins have access to create and manage clients clients, place orders, configure WHMCS, manage modules, and can access all of WHMCS's high level systems. Their accounts can log into the WHMCS client area, and like clients, can be configured to use two-factor authentication modules.

This object models an admin's record in the backend database and contains the admin's information and personal settings. phpcs:disable

class Admin extends AbstractUser implements UserInterface





Properties summary

Type Property Description
protected $table
protected $columnMap
protected $appends
protected $commaSeparated
protected $casts
protected $rules
protected $hidden
int $id An admin's unique id number.
int $roleId ID number of this admin's role. (Role based permissions)
string $username An admin's username.
string $passwordHash An admin's stored password hash.
string $twoFactorAuthModule The name of an admin's two factor authentication module, if they are using one.
string $twoFactorAuthData An admin's two-factor authentication module's internal data, stored as a PHP serialized string.
string $firstName An admin's first name.
string $lastName An admin's last name.
string $email An admin's email address.
string $signature A message displayed at the bottom of an admin's support ticket responses.
string $notes An internal note available for an admin's general use.
string $template The name of the admin area view template WHMCS renders for an admin.
string $language An admin's preferred display language.
int $isDisabled Whether or not an admin is disabled and cannot log in.
int $loginAttempts The number of times an admin has failed to log into the WHMCS admin area.
array $supportDepartmentIds The id numbers of the support departments an admin is assigned to.
array $receivesTicketNotifications Whether or not an admin receives an email on new support ticket or support ticket reply creation.
string $homeWidgets A comma delimited list of legacy admin area home page widgets and their configuration, separated by colons. For instance, widget_name:true/false
string $passwordResetKey The password reset key for an admin user when requested
string $passwordResetData The password reset data for an admin user when requested
Carbon $passwordResetExpiry The expiry for the password reset key for an admin user
string[] $hiddenWidgets The widgets hidden for the Admin user
string[] $widgetOrder The display order for widgets for the Admin user
Collection|Ticket[] $flaggedTickets
array $userPreferences An array of user preferences
string $fullName An admin's first name and last name.
string $gravatarHash The hash for the gravatar url
string $templateThemeName alias for $template

Methods summary

Return Type Method Name Description
getSecondFactorModuleName() -
getSecondFactorConfigName() -
string getFullNameAttribute() "fullName" is the concatenation of first and last name.
string getGravatarHashAttribute() Get gravatar email address hash.
string getUsernameAttribute() Return the username
bool isAllowedToAuthenticate() Should the user be allowed to authenticate
bool isAllowedToMasquerade() -
bool hasPermission(int|string $permission) Has a given permission within their assigned role group
array getRolePermissions() Array of permission names available to this admin user
array getModulePermissions() -
HasMany authenticationDevices() -
string getTemplateThemeNameAttribute() -
validateUsername(string $username, int|null $existingUserId = null) Validate admin username is valid.
HasMany flaggedTickets() An admin can have many flagged tickets.
Builder scopeActive(Builder $query) Return only active Admin users
static Admin|null getAuthenticatedUser() Get the currently authenticated admin user.
int[] getSupportDepartmentIds() Get support department ids.
Admin setSecondFactorConfig(array $value) -
getAuthIdentifierName() -


getSecondFactorModuleName ()

getSecondFactorConfigName ()

string getFullNameAttribute ()

"fullName" is the concatenation of first and last name.

In classic WHMCS objects, we compute a field named "name" which combines the first and last name for convenience in templates.

Return Value

string The combined name

string getGravatarHashAttribute ()

Get gravatar email address hash.

Return Value


string getUsernameAttribute ()

Return the username

This method is required by the UserInterface. tbladmins has a username column, and thus a $username property, however, this model method will prevent the normal model access to that, so the method must manual fetch the value from the internal attributes property. Otherwise a NOTICE will be emitted.

Return Value


bool isAllowedToAuthenticate ()

Should the user be allowed to authenticate

Return Value


bool isAllowedToMasquerade ()

Return Value


bool hasPermission (int|string $permission)

Has a given permission within their assigned role group


int|string $permission Either the permission name or the permission id

Return Value


array getRolePermissions ()

Array of permission names available to this admin user

Return Value


array getModulePermissions ()

Return Value


HasMany authenticationDevices ()

Return Value


string getTemplateThemeNameAttribute ()

Return Value


validateUsername (string $username, int|null $existingUserId = null)

Validate admin username is valid.

Optionally also validate it is unique. Requires passing in of existing admin user ID or 0 for a new admin user creation.


string $username
int|null $existingUserId Optional, pass to validate uniqueness



HasMany flaggedTickets ()

An admin can have many flagged tickets.

Return Value


Builder scopeActive (Builder $query)

Return only active Admin users


Builder $query

Return Value


static Admin|null getAuthenticatedUser ()

Get the currently authenticated admin user.

Return Value


int[] getSupportDepartmentIds ()

Get support department ids.

Return Value


Admin setSecondFactorConfig (array $value)


array $value

Return Value


getAuthIdentifierName ()