A client-owned service.

A Service is an instance of a Product purchased by a Client by way of an Order and, optionally, provisioned to a Server by a provisioning module.

Services are attached to a Domain name. The status of the attached domain name is tracked here.

The payment gateway used, the recurring amount and billing cycle, as well as the initial payment used to activate this product are recorded here.

If the provisioning module provides instrumentation for tracking bandwidth and disk space usage, it is tracked and stored in this object.

If the Service requires a username and password to utilize, those are tracked here.

If this Service is suspended, the reason for the suspension is stored here. Instanced Services can also be made immune to automatic suspension by WHMCS, for a specific time period or until suspensions are intentionally re-allowed. This can allow the operator to cause a Service to remain active despite WHMCS's billing rules. (For example, the operator may flag the operator's own websites as immune from suspension, while utilizing all the other management features of WHMCS).

Dedicated IP addresses and the nameservers for the Domain attached to this Service are stored in this object.

This Service can act as a parent to various Service\Addons, which provide additional features beyond the configuration of the Product this Service was instanced from.

Any CancellationRequests for this server can also be accessed via this object.

class Service extends AbstractModel implements ServiceInterface







Properties summary

Type Property Description
protected $table
protected $columnMap
protected $dates
protected $booleans
protected $appends
protected $hidden
int $id Unique ID for this service.
int $clientId ID of client who owns this service.
int $orderId ID of order used to purchase this service.
int $packageId ID of package purchased in the order for this service.
int $serverId ID of server this service has been provisioned to.
Carbon $registrationDate Date this service was purchased.
string $domain Domain name this service is registered under.
string $paymentGateway English language internal name for the gateway used to originally purchase this service.
int $qty
float $firstPaymentAmount The first amount paid for this service.
float $recurringAmount The recurring payment amount for this service.
string $billingCycle English language internal name of this service's billing cycle from this set: 'Free Account', 'One Time', 'Monthly', 'Quarterly', 'Semi-Annually', 'Annually', 'Biennially', 'Triennially'
string $nextDueDate Date next payment is due.
string $nextInvoiceDate Date next invoice will be generated.
string $terminationDate Date the service was Terminated or Cancelled.
string $completedDate Date the service was Completed.
string $status Alias of domainStatus
string $domainStatus English language internal name of status of this service, from this set: 'Pending', 'Active', 'Suspended', 'Terminated', 'Cancelled', 'Fraud' (Additionally custom status may exist)
string $username Username associated with this service (for external control panels, etc)
string $password Password associated with this service.
string $notes Admin custom notes, with expectation that client will not see them.
string $subscriptionId If the service is a recurring service, and a payment gateway which supports subscriptions have been used (such as PayPal), the subscription ID for the payment gateway is stored here.
int $promotionId ID of promotion used when purchasing this service, or null otherwise.
int $promotionCount Number of times the associated promotion has been used while invoicing this service. Setting to null will see WHMCS use invoice item count to determine correct value during invoice generation.
string $suspendReason An admin provided string as to why a suspension was enacted on this service.
bool $overrideAutoSuspend If true, WHMCS will not attempt to automatically suspend this service.
Carbon $overrideSuspendUntilDate If Auto Suspend is not overridden, on this date the service will be automatically suspended.
string $dedicatedIp If the service provides a dedicated IP address, it is stored here.
string $assignedIps If the service is assigned to IP addresses, those addresses will appear as comma delimited strings here.
string $ns1 If the service requires a nameserver (such as a domain name), the first nameserver is stored here.
string $ns2 If the service requires a second nameserver, that nameserver is stored here.
int $diskUsage If the service's module provides disk usage telemetry, that value is stored here.
int $diskLimit If the service was purchased with a disk usage limit, that limit is stored here.
int $bandwidthUsage If the service's module provides bandwidth usage telemetry, that value is stored here.
int $bandwidthLimit If the service was purchased with a disk usage limit, that limit is stored here.
string|null $domainPunycode The punycoded value for a domain
Carbon|string $nextDueDateFormatted Client formatted display for next Due Date
Carbon|string $registrationDateFormatted Client formatted display for Registration Date
array $nextDueDateProperties An array of Next Due Date values used within the template. isPast, isFuture, and daysTillExpiry.
Carbon $lastUpdateDate Date this service was last modified.
Carbon $createdAt Date this service was created.
Carbon $updatedAt Date this service was last modified.
Properties $serviceProperties
Collection $invoices
Client $client Client object which owns this service.
Product $product Product associated with this service.
Collection|Addon[] $addons Addons purchased alongside this service.
Collection|CancellationRequest[] $cancellationRequests Any cancellation requests related to this service.
Collection|Queue[] $failedActions Any failed actions related to this service.
Collection|CustomFieldValue[] $customFieldValues
Order $order
Server $serverModel

Methods summary

Return Type Method Name Description
static  boot() -
Service getServiceActual() -
Service getServiceSurrogate() -
bool hasServiceSurrogate() -
Client getServiceClient() -
Properties getServiceProperties() -
Builder scopeUserId(Builder $query, int $userId) -
Builder scopeDomain(Builder $query, string $domain) -
Builder scopeActive(Builder $query) -
Builder scopeMarketConnect(Builder $query) Filter for only MarketConnect services.
Builder scopeIsConsideredActive(Builder $query) -
Builder scopeIsNotRecurring(Builder $query) -
bool isRecurring() -
BelongsTo client() Each service belongs to one client.
BelongsTo product() Each service is an instance of a product.
HasMany paymentGateway() Each service has many payment gateway records.
HasMany addons() Each service can have many addons
BelongsTo order() A domain belongs to a single order.
HasOne promotion() Each service can have one promotion.
HasMany cancellationRequests() Each service can have many cancellation requests
HasMany ssl() Each service could have many ssl records.
BelongsToMany invoices() -
bool hasAvailableUpgrades() Determine if a service has available upgrades.
HasMany failedActions() -
HasMany|CustomFieldValue customFieldValues() -
getCustomFieldType() -
getCustomFieldRelId() -
Properties getServicePropertiesAttribute() -
bool canBeUpgraded() Determine if service can be upgraded.
bool isService() Is this entity a service?
bool isAddon() Is this entity an addon?
belongsTo serverModel() Each service may belong to a server.
string legacyProvision() Run provision action in legacy mode.
ProviderInterface|null getMetricProvider() -
ServiceMetric[] metrics($onlyBilledMetrics = false, $mode = null) -
getLink() -
mixed|string|null getUniqueIdentifierValue(string $uniqueIdField) -
string getHexColorFromStatus() -
Service|null getParentalSiblingAttribute() Locate another Service that appears to be related to this service in a parental relationship.
string getProvisioningModuleName() -
array getCustomActionData() -


static boot ()

Service getServiceActual ()

Return Value


Service getServiceSurrogate ()

Return Value


bool hasServiceSurrogate ()

Return Value


Client getServiceClient ()

Return Value


Properties getServiceProperties ()

Return Value


Builder scopeUserId (Builder $query, int $userId)


Builder $query
int $userId

Return Value


Builder scopeDomain (Builder $query, string $domain)


Builder $query
string $domain

Return Value


Builder scopeActive (Builder $query)


Builder $query

Return Value


Builder scopeMarketConnect (Builder $query)

Filter for only MarketConnect services.


Builder $query

Return Value


Builder scopeIsConsideredActive (Builder $query)


Builder $query

Return Value


Builder scopeIsNotRecurring (Builder $query)


Builder $query

Return Value


bool isRecurring ()

Return Value


BelongsTo client ()

Each service belongs to one client.

Return Value


BelongsTo product ()

Each service is an instance of a product.

Return Value


HasMany paymentGateway ()

Each service has many payment gateway records.

Return Value


HasMany addons ()

Each service can have many addons

Return Value


BelongsTo order ()

A domain belongs to a single order.

Return Value


HasOne promotion ()

Each service can have one promotion.

Return Value


HasMany cancellationRequests ()

Each service can have many cancellation requests

Return Value


HasMany ssl ()

Each service could have many ssl records.

Return Value


BelongsToMany invoices ()

Return Value


bool hasAvailableUpgrades ()

Determine if a service has available upgrades.

Return Value


HasMany failedActions ()

Return Value


HasMany|CustomFieldValue customFieldValues ()

Return Value


protected getCustomFieldType ()

protected getCustomFieldRelId ()

Properties getServicePropertiesAttribute ()

Return Value


bool canBeUpgraded ()

Determine if service can be upgraded.

Return Value


bool isService ()

Is this entity a service?

Return Value


bool isAddon ()

Is this entity an addon?

Return Value


belongsTo serverModel ()

Each service may belong to a server.

Return Value


string legacyProvision ()

Run provision action in legacy mode.

Legacy mode returns 'success' on success and an error message string on failure.

Return Value


ProviderInterface|null getMetricProvider ()

Return Value


ServiceMetric[] metrics ($onlyBilledMetrics = false, $mode = null)



Return Value


mixed|string|null getUniqueIdentifierValue (string $uniqueIdField)


string $uniqueIdField

Return Value


string getHexColorFromStatus ()

Return Value


Service|null getParentalSiblingAttribute ()

Locate another Service that appears to be related to this service in a parental relationship.

This is despite $this Service not being an Addon to another Service. Thus a result from this method implies $this Service is a pseudo-addon. Eg. SSL service ordered independently, but with the same domain as a hosting Service; return the hosting Service as a "parent".

Return Value


See also


string getProvisioningModuleName ()

Return Value


array getCustomActionData ()

Return Value
