A quote for client services.

Quotes provide the WHMCS operator the ability to produce an "order" without actually invoking an actual Invoice. The operator is also able to hand-modify the line items of a quote to make a flexible offer to a customer.

A customer may then accept the quote, whereupon it turns into a proper Order with an Invoice, or reject it. A rejected quote is simply marked and left in place, for further processing by the operator if desired.

A quote can be sent to somebody whether or not that recipient is a client or not. If it is sent to a Client, the client's ID number is associated with the quote; if not, the full contact information for the recipient is provided. A recipient can then register an account with that data if they wish, or simply reject the quote.

class Quote extends AbstractModel

Properties summary

Type Property Description
protected $table
protected $columnMap
protected $dates
int $id Unique ID number for this quote.
string $subject Subject line provided by the admin for this quote.
string $status English language internal name of this quote's status, from this set: 'Draft', 'Delivered', 'Accepted', 'Lost', 'Dead'
Carbon $validUntilDate Date upon which this quote is no longer valid.
int $clientId ID of client this quote is assigned to, if the quote belongs to a pre-existing client.
string $firstName First name of the prospective client requesting the quote.
string $lastName Last name of the prospective client requesting the quote.
string $companyName Company name of the prospective client requesting the quote.
string $email Email address of the prospective client requesting the quote.
string $address1 First address line of the prospective client requesting the quote.
string $address2 Second address line of the prospective client requesting the quote.
string $city City of the prospective client requesting the quote.
string $state State of the prospective client requesting the quote.
string $postcode Post/Zip code of the prospective client requesting the quote.
string $country Country of the prospective client requesting the quote.
string $phoneNumber Phone Number of the prospective client requesting the quote.
int $currency ID of the currency this quote is generated in.
float $subtotal Subtotal of this quote.
string $taxId The potential client's tax identification number
float $tax1 Amount of tax due, based on lowest ID number "Level 1" Tax Rule applied to this quote.
float $tax2 Amount of tax due, based on lowest ID number "Level 2" Tax Rule applied to this quote. Level 2 Rules may or may not be calculated as compound tax.
float $total Subtotal + Tax1 + Tax2. Use this total instead of calculating your own as Level 2 taxes may or may not be compounded.
string $proposal Text block provided by the admin which is displayed at the top of the quote generated by WHMCS.
string $customerNotes Text block provided by the admin which is displayed at the footer of the quote generated by WHMCS.
string $adminNotes Freeform notes provided by the admin which should not be displayed to the client or on the quote.
Carbon $dateCreated Date this quote was generated.
Carbon $lastModifiedDate Last date this quote was modified.
Carbon $dateSent Date this quote was sent to the [prospective] client.
Carbon $dateAccepted Date the [prospective] client accepted this quote.
Client $client The Client to whom this quote belongs to, if the client is pre-existing.
Collection|Item[] $items Items associated with this quote.

Methods summary

Return Type Method Name Description
BelongsTo client() Each quote may belong to a client.
HasMany items() A quote has many quote items for.
string getLink() -


BelongsTo client ()

Each quote may belong to a client.

Return Value


HasMany items ()

A quote has many quote items for.

Return Value


Return Value
