Custom Fields model class

class CustomField extends AbstractModel

Properties summary

Type Property Description
protected $table
protected $columnMap
protected $commaSeparated
protected $fillable Define the fields that can be hydrated by a firstOrNew call.
int $id A custom fields unique identifier
string $type The type of custom field client|product|support|addon
int $relatedId The related id of the custom field type
string $fieldName The name of the custom field
string $fieldType The type of the custom field dropdown|link|text|textarea|tickbox|password
string $description The description of the custom field
string[] $fieldOptions The options available for the dropdown type
string $regularExpression The Regular Expression Validation String
string $adminOnly Is the field only visible for Admins
string $required Is the field required
string $showOrder Should the field show in the orderForm
string $showInvoice Should the field show on the invoice
int $sortOrder The order the field should be displayed
Carbon $createdAt The date a custom field was created.
Carbon $updatedAt The date a custom field was last modified.
Collection|Product $product The product a custom field belongs to
Collection|Addon $addon The product addon a custom field belongs to
Collection|CustomFieldValue $customFieldValues The custom field values for this custom field

Methods summary

Return Type Method Name Description
static  boot() -
Builder scopeClientFields(Builder $query) Obtain all the client custom fields
Builder scopeProductFields(Builder $query, int $productId) Obtain all the product custom fields for a specific product.
Builder scopeSupportFields(Builder $query, int $departmentId) Obtain all the support custom fields for a specific support department.
Builder scopeAddonFields(Builder $query, int $addonId) Obtain all the addon custom fields for a specific addon id.
HasOne|Product product() A custom field can belong to a single product
HasOne|Addon addon() A custom field can belong to a single product addon.
string getFieldNameAttribute(string $fieldName) Get the custom field's name - this will override the output from the db value if set in Lang.
string getDescriptionAttribute(string $description) Get the custom field's name - this will override the output from the db value if set in Lang.
HasMany|CustomFieldValue customFieldValues() -
static string getFieldName(int $fieldId, string $fallback = '', string $language = null) Obtain the custom field name for the current language, passed language or fallback to the currently defined value for the product group.
static string getDescription(int $fieldId, string $fallback = '', string $language = null) Obtain the custom field description for the current language, passed language or fallback to the currently defined value for the product group.


static boot ()

Builder scopeClientFields (Builder $query)

Obtain all the client custom fields


Builder $query

Return Value


Builder scopeProductFields (Builder $query, int $productId)

Obtain all the product custom fields for a specific product.


Builder $query
int $productId

Return Value


Builder scopeSupportFields (Builder $query, int $departmentId)

Obtain all the support custom fields for a specific support department.


Builder $query
int $departmentId

Return Value


Builder scopeAddonFields (Builder $query, int $addonId)

Obtain all the addon custom fields for a specific addon id.


Builder $query
int $addonId

Return Value


HasOne|Product product ()

A custom field can belong to a single product

Return Value


HasOne|Addon addon ()

A custom field can belong to a single product addon.

Return Value


string getFieldNameAttribute (string $fieldName)

Get the custom field's name - this will override the output from the db value if set in Lang.


string $fieldName The value from the database

Return Value


string getDescriptionAttribute (string $description)

Get the custom field's name - this will override the output from the db value if set in Lang.


string $description The value from the database

Return Value


HasMany|CustomFieldValue customFieldValues ()

Return Value


static string getFieldName (int $fieldId, string $fallback = '', string $language = null)

Obtain the custom field name for the current language, passed language or fallback to the currently defined value for the product group.


int $fieldId
string $fallback
string $language

Return Value


static string getDescription (int $fieldId, string $fallback = '', string $language = null)

Obtain the custom field description for the current language, passed language or fallback to the currently defined value for the product group.


int $fieldId
string $fallback
string $language

Return Value
