Service addons

Please note that "Service Addons" are completely separate from "WHMCS Addons," which add functionality to WHMCS.

A service Addon allows the operator of WHMCS to provide additional services which are conditional to the purchase of a parent Service, such as additional disk space or other similar services.

This object is an instance of a service addon, including the fees and cycles configured in the Order which purchased this addon.

class Addon extends AbstractModel

Properties summary

Type Property Description
protected $table
protected $columnMap
protected $dates
protected $appends
int $id Unique ID number for this addon instance.
int $orderId ID of order in which this addon was purchased.
int $serviceId ID of service which this addon is attached to.
int $addonId ID of addon that this object is an instance of.
int $clientId Id of client that this addon is on
int $serverId Id of server that this addon is on
string $name Name of this addon. This will either be the name assigned to the master addon, or a custom name assigned by an admin.
float $setupFee Setup fee paid for this addon.
float $recurringFee Recurring fee scheduled for this addon.
string $billingCycle English language internal name for billing cycle from this set: 'Free Account', 'One Time', 'Monthly', 'Quarterly', 'Semi-Annually', 'Annually', 'Biennially', 'Triennially'
string $applyTax True if tax is charged when purchasing/paying for this addon.
string $status English language internal name of status of this service, from this set: 'Pending', 'Active', 'Suspended', 'Terminated', 'Cancelled', 'Fraud' (Additionally custom status may exist)
Carbon $registrationDate Date when this addon was purchased.
Carbon $nextDueDate The next date this addon's billing cycle is due.
Carbon $nextInvoiceDate The date the next invoice will be generated for this addon.
Carbon $terminationDate The date the addon was Terminated or Cancelled.
string $paymentGateway English language internal name for the gateway used to originally purchase this service.
string $notes Admin provided notes on this addon that should not be displayed to clients.
Carbon $createdAt The date this addon was created.
Carbon $updatedAt The date this addon was last updated.
Properties $serviceProperties
Service $service
Addon $productAddon
Client $client Client object which owns this service.
Collection|CustomFieldValue[] $customFieldValues

Methods summary

Return Type Method Name Description
BelongsTo service() Each addon belongs to one service.
hasOne productAddon() Each addon belongs to a single product addon.
BelongsTo client() Each addon belongs to one client.
HasMany|CustomFieldValue customFieldValues() -
Properties getServicePropertiesAttribute() -
HasMany ssl() Each addon could have many ssl records.


BelongsTo service ()

Each addon belongs to one service.

Return Value


hasOne productAddon ()

Each addon belongs to a single product addon.

Return Value


BelongsTo client ()

Each addon belongs to one client.

Return Value


HasMany|CustomFieldValue customFieldValues ()

Return Value


Properties getServicePropertiesAttribute ()

Return Value


HasMany ssl ()

Each addon could have many ssl records.

Return Value
